- Oroville Union Highschool District -
Social Media and Graphics
Images for OUHSD Job Board
These were existing images portraying campus life that I edited to be used on the OUHSD job board. They are used to portray the community and culture in the school district.

During my internship with Sounding Board Marketing and Communications, I had the opportunity to complete projects for different clients. One was a school district in California, where I got to assist in creating logos, daily social media posts, and other graphics

OUHSD Social Media

Discover more post by visiting OUHSD's Facebook Page:
Sounding Board Marketing and Communications

Discover more posts by visiting Sounding Board's Facebook page:
- Visual Communication Class -
Advertising Campaign
This group project allowed the student to create a new fictional product for a company and create an advertising campaign to promote the new product. Within this group project, I helped promote the storyboarding of the idea and general layout of the designs. Additionally, I worked to compile colors and statistics to support the campaign. This hands-on experience allowed me to implement visual communication practices and concepts.
The Idea
The company we choose to create a campaign was Starbucks. For this product, we choose to promote new Teavana tea flavors with a new cup design. For the month of October, breast cancer awareness month, the Starbucks cup will be pink. Every pink cup purchased will give donations to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.